Tuesday, March 08, 2005

That Crazy Palmer House

I know, many of your houses are also the Palmer house...

Laurel and I are okay. We seem to be getting over our colds and are getting back into the swing of things. We're looking forward to Mom's visit next week, that's for sure.

I'm busy trying to get my Master's degree done, Laurel's busy helping Wet Seal close stores across the country, and the house is a wreck. We've really been struggling staying on top of house stuff since we're both going full time. I know what Tawnia means about putting off homework!

Oh, and there's basketball (I'm about to go) and the Beehives (Laurel's there right now).

But that's okay. We like busy sometimes.

We love all you guys and hope Brooke is okay.

And let's see... I still like to play with my toys. Oh! I still like drawing! That's something I do just as much now as I ever did. I even got Flash loaded on my new computer at work, so I spent this afternoon drawing in the computer. They won't know what hit 'em when they see the stuff I'm going to make...

Okay that is all.

I love you all.


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