Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Childhood pleasures and finals week

I liked to read as a kid -- I still do -- and I loved to make up my own stories -- which I still do. As for playing, I still like swings.

It's been really busy for me the past couple of days, since the end of term is coming up. Sunday there was church and then the CES fireside. We watched it over at Brother Richens' house. (He's the institute teacher.) We had ice cream after a talk on the importance of work, and Clarissa and I met a new girl, Becca, who has shares some of our interests and is extremely hyper. Monday, I was busy working on my history essay and folklore project, and then I went to FHE. We played broom hockey. My team won; I even scored a couple of times. (I stood as close as I could to the net in order to score.) I only ended up with two or three bruises. Yesterday, I went to class, and then I did my visiting teaching. Today, I had to finish my folklore collection -- I'll share some as soon as I get my sight updated -- and then I had my geology class where we had to identify twenty different metamorphic rocks. A couple were very difficult, and I'm sure I didn't get it all right, but I think I did fairly well in that class.

Well, I only have tomorrow's classes and then a history final next week. Other than that, I'm done for this term. I still have to figure out how I'm going to work out my schedule for next term. I'll keep you posted.


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