Saturday, March 19, 2005

A few updates

I finally got around to updating my site again, so there are few more links that work - "Before and After" (including the photograph I restored for you, Mom), and "The Artist." I'll hopefully finish the others soon, but I'm busy right now with drawing t-shirt designs for the anime club at the university. I'm the new art director! (Well, not officially, but no one else was running for the position, so wahoo, I'm in!)

Jason and I are really looking forward to the temple trip next weekend. It's my first trip to Edmonton, and a new temple for both of us. We'll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so don't try calling us on Easter. I'll try and make lots of phone calls this weekend instead.

And in other news, our roommate Barry is moving out at the end of the month. Yippee!! Our friend Barrett might move in, but we'll see what happens with that. Jason and I are hoping to move into our own apartment sometime soon. It'd be nice, cuz we'd just be moving down the street (about a block away). Jason's looked at the apartments there, and he's pretty excited about them. We'll let you know when that will happen (hopefully by summer time).

So much for the spring weather. It was beautiful for about a month, and then within a day it was back to below zero again, and snowing off and on for the entire week (so far). Spring techincally starts on Monday, but with our luck we'll have snow until the end of May. But then, this is the place where it has snowed in July.

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