Tuesday, March 01, 2005


So, yeah, what's up with the cold's going around this year? I've actually been sick for a little over a week. I got a blessing last night, and now I'm feeling tons better. But Amy's still pretty sick.

Anyway, I am looking forward to my extended weekend. Only a half day of school tomorrow, and it's going to be a pretty easy day. We're having a school wide "reading day" due to it being Dr. Seuss' Birthday. My class is having a medival banquet. I'm very excited actually. It will be fun. I'm borrowing Annie's guitar so I can be a minstrel. hehe. Of course that means I need to practice a ton tonight... along with doing my laundry.

My baptism was also a rather long time ago... 19 years almost. I remember that I wanted to ride home from church with Grandma Passey and I didn't get too, so I was in my room and really upset before going to get baptised. I remember that I got some flowers... for some reason I think I got lilacs. I remember being in the changing room beforehand and being dressed all in white. But that's about all I remember.


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