Friday, April 01, 2005

Post-Checkup Report

Yesterday Laurel asked that I come along to her 12-week checkup, and my sweet boss Suzy thought that would be a good idea. After waiting around (why else would they have a waiting room?) we waited some more in that other room, and finally met with the doctor.

He still couldn't hear the heartbeat... there was too much interference from all the other sounds in Laurel's belly, so we took another ultrasound.

The baby is looking great! He's like a little fish in there. We can see his spine, his head, his arms and hands and fingers... He was squirming around just great. Oh, and we could see and hear his heart, beating away. It was an amazing experience. He's the right size and is looking good so far.

Stay tuned for picutres of the ultrasound on our page. I was going to get them up last night but I took a nap instead.

Just thought you'd like to know the latest! Thanks for your support.


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