Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Car Stories

That story was actually mine Jared. After Scouts one night I asked JoAnne if I could drive home. She asked if I had my permit and I said "Yes!". So she let me drive. I failed to mention that I had never driven before. Ever. So my first time driving was in JoAnne's ancient Volkswagon (with no dash lights and weak headlights), along a dark country road, in a car full of innocent bystanders. Later it was reported that I had "lied" to JoAnne, but I do not recall ever saying that I had driven before. I just withheld information about the extent of my driving experience. It was a failure to disclose potentially damaging information, not a misstatement of fact. At least, to the best of my recollection.

And I also remember Sam telling me to not drive angry. This was before scientific research demonstrated the benefits of road rage, of course.

And then there was driving with Dad. I think we all have stories about that. I'll just say that he passed on to his oldest son his gift for backseat driving and especially for pointing out infractions of our state and local speed laws.

I learned to drive a stick in Idaho after Jared and Mom drove my '81 Honda out to Rexburg. When Laurel met me she couldn't figure out why I was such a bad driver, until she realized that I had just learned to drive my car a month or so earlier. Later, she came up with other reasons for why I'm such a bad driver, but that is a story for another day.

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