Friday, April 01, 2005


So where is everybody?? I realize it's going to be conference this weekend, but it doesn't mean you have to quit posting in preperation.

here are my excitements for the weekend. First I get to go and hopefully get my car fixed. Yeah, Hank's been having trouble for awhile. Then at 5:30 two of my freshmen year roommates are coming over. I have stayed in touch with Tami pretty well, but just ran into Kristine back in January. The two of them haven't seen each other since 1998 so I'm excited for the three of us to get together. Then later tonight Shawna Webb is coming down from SLC to pick Amy and I up and take us back up to her place so that we can go to the Saturday morning session of conference. I'm excited. The only time I've been in a session of conference is the one time that I sang... and I couldn't take notes because we had to sit perfectly still the entire time, so I'm excited about tomorrow morning.

I hope you all enjoy conference. You can try to see me on the TV, but I doubt you will... that room is HUGE.


1 comment:

Eric said...

I tried to spot you during conference but it was too hard. Sorry. I really enjoyed that session though, especially President Packer's talk.