Tuesday, April 05, 2005

We've added stuff, too!

Dad and I both posted our answers to the Adventure question on our respective pages. You'll REALLY love Dad's.

I was about to post the next question but I figured we should all answer Trina's question about conference, first. I really enjoyed all the sessions. I thought Elder Wirthlin's talk on kindness was the best talk I've ever heard him give. I really loved it. There were some strong messages given, like Elder Oaks and I noticed a lot of talks about Missionary work and fellowshipping. I liked President Hinckley's opening message where he discussed all the growth of the past 10 years.

Sunday evening Emily was looking at an Ensign from May of 1981. According to that statistical report, at the end of 1980 there were between 4 and 5 million members (today there are over 12 million) 19 temples (100 more today) 30,000 full time missionaries(now there are 51,000) and the church had wards or branches in 83 countries (over 160 now) Think how much growth the next 25 years will bring.

Remember to send Bruce and Cheryl your love and prayers. They really need them now.

Love always,

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