Saturday, December 31, 2005

photo editing

Hi all!
I'm trying to make a picture book (written by my many pieces), with photos by Nathan and me...but we have no photo editing program. We're thinking a good plan would be to get Adobe can get it online for $89.99...but do any of you have any other advice, or is that the way to go? Hope everyone is doing well and is planning on having a wonderful night of crazy partying! :c) Riiiight.

Happy Birthday to Brooke yesterday!!! Sorry I didn't say it on the phone yesterday, Jared - I wasn't 100% sure if I had the right day so I didn't say it. Anyway...we hope she had a wonderful birthday and that it is a purely fantastic year for her!

We had a wonderful Christmas...getting to see both the Palmer family and the Rozen family on the same day! Lots of amazing food...Christmas Eve and Christmas...and then my mom made lasagna for my Dad's birthday (the 26th). We had a lot of fun. I took down the tree and all the Christmas decorations yesterday. That was pretty sad...we seem to have acquired a lot more this year, which is exciting! However, we're hoping we'll be able to store them in hopefully we'll be allowed that much more space!

Happy New Year everyone - any cool resolutions anyone wants to share with us all?

Love from the both of us,
Manda (and Nathan)


Frank and Evelyn said...

Yea, you have the top shelf of that bunk. Will it all fit up there? If not we'll try to work something out but we only have one storage room. I thought it was a big one but it keeps getting smaller, somehow. Someday you'll all have your own homes and we'll miss having all your stuff.

Love ya,

Eric said...

Hi Guys,

I would suggest using JASC PaintShop Pro. It takes up less space on the hard drive, it uses less memory to run, and it's less expensive than Photoshop. I like it.

It all depends on what you want to do with it. Photoshop is certainly the product with all the bells and whistles. It does take a bit of study and practice to get good at it, but from what I've seen from people who know it, it does some amazing stuff. My needs tend to be more modest, so I'm happy with PaintShop Pro.