Sunday, December 11, 2005


Yay for Nathan being done with his Associates Degree...and only one little technicality (a recommendation letter that is in the mail) away from being accepted at Willamette to start in January!! I am very proud of this wonderful husband of mine and just wanted you all to know it. As for me - life is stressful and crazy and I could fill up many posts describing it...maybe when all the students leave for winter break, I'll fill you in, but I'll see some of you tonight - yay for the Messiah performance, and I'll see more of you at Christmas, so there will be lots of filling in time then!

Well I'm off to wrap some presents so we can bring them over to Christmas Present Central to hopefully get them in the same boxes that will be sent from headquarters to California, Texas, and D.C. I'm sad to not be able to see all of you this Christmas...but only a few months til the reunion :c)

Love to you all,

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