Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Brain cell construction

For the last couple of months I have been working on building brain cells. My psychology professor once told us that there are a few things one could do to build neurons. I believe one of the things was to play a musical instrument. The other thing that can do it is the thing that I have been doing these last few months. When Eric came here I showed him some of the new things I was working on (I've only improved, Eric). It is juggling.

I have w weird way that I go about making sure that I get sufficient amounts of neuron building in. I have to juggle for at least three minutes in a session. Also in order for the juggle to count it has to last no less than a minute. So if I have three one minute juggles I am done. If I have one three minute juggle I am done. If a juggle lasts one minute 59 seconds, it only counts as a one minute juggle. If a juggle lasts 59 seconds, it does not count at all.

Well, I like to keep track of when I juggle for long periods. In October I juggled for something like two minutes and 46 seconds straight. As of November 21, my longest juggle was five minutes 36 seconds. Well today I left all previous records in the dust.

I was doing laundry and the egg timer was set for 60 minutes... no I did not juggle for 60 minutes. It got to 58:30 before I started to juggle. Well I started. Then I kept going, and going, and going. I did not throw any under the legs, or two up at once, because I did not want to mess up. Well I was pretty excited when I got to 6 minutes, because I knew I beat my previous record. But I kept juggling.

When you juggle for a long time you start to get dizzy. At least I did, because it was about 1 in the afternoon and I had just got done doing yoga, and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. Well it was as if nothing could stop me. The juggle bags had brushed against each other a couple of times, and I feared dropping them, but I kept going. Amanda could walk through the door at any second coming home for lunch, but she never appeared.

Well I knew that nothing could last forever. The bags finally hit each other hard enough and cam to a crashing halt. The egg timer read 42:37. That put my new record at 15 minutes 53 seconds, just shy of 16 minutes. I almost tripled my PR. It is PR, right?

I really do not know how much cell building I did in those almost 16 minutes, but I think in the time it took me to write this whole thing... I killed all of that hard work.

Until next time... keep on juggling.

Nathan 12/20/05

1 comment:

Eric said...

That's a pretty amazing story Nate, and very inspiring. Good job and keep on juggling.