Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It is done...

I have finished my Associates Degree. I have also done it getting a 4.0, so I am pretty pleased. I was a little worried a few times about what my grades would be, but I pulled it off. I am not done with the education thing yet though. I am not even close. But all is well in Palmerland, Salem edition.
Amanda is off at a Christmas party right now at 10:30 in the morning on a Wednesday, and then she is going to another one and then out to dinner with her staff. Holy Cow!!! That girl can party. I guess that leaves me with plenty of time to do the laundry, dishes, and clean up the rest of our home.
Tawnia- I am sorry that school live is stressful for you. You are doing a good job and I am sure that those kids adore you. If they don’t I will sit on them.



Anonymous said...

You know, you really shouldn't sit on small children. Now I won't say I'm not tempted to do the same thing some times (not my children, just other ones who deserve it) but I don't do it. I'm too busy going to all the Christmas parties that your wife can't make it to. Ha ha, wouldn't it have been funny if I said I was going to Christmas parties WITH your wife? But that's something else I don't do.

Michelle said...

Congratulations on you associates degree! And Merry Christmas!

Eric said...

Good job Nathan! What a great way to end the year. I'm sure you'll continue to do very well in school as you continue your education. But seriously, you will.