Thursday, December 29, 2005

What's up with Mom and Dad

Sorry we haven't taken the time to write sooner. When we arrived at Cheryl's very late Sunday night, Eric and Laurel and Baby Stevie were there waiting for us. He is such a beautiful sweet baby. We've really been enjoying him. On Monday we visited at Cheryl's and then Eric took us out to his place. On Tuesday we went to the Getty and enjoyed the art there. On Wednesday morning, Cheryl and Jenny came out and joined us on our trip to the Newport Beach Temple. (I made my goal of 25 endowments in one year.) Later that evening we went to Ikea to look around at the furniture. Also, Eric stopped and bought a new DVD player because his wasn't working. Today we took a hike at the Newport Back Bay where they have a bird sanctuary. Then this evening, Eric and Laurel went out to a movie while we watch Stevie. Of course, in between all the other things we've been doing, we've been playing with our Baby Stevie, in fact I've had to stop 3 or 4 times while writing this to take care of him. I've loved every minute of it.

I love you all,

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