Saturday, December 10, 2005


Sorry I didn't wish Dad a Happy Birthday on time - I was in Chicago for work, and I spent more time at Kinko's making copies than I did doing anything else. I put it all on my credit card and will get reimbursed for it all ... the director is going to have a FIT when he finds out how much I did. There's a reason we copy everything before going to the conference and ship it - because it's cheaper. (Really.) But I wasn't given all this stuff before we left - I got it in bits and pieces in Chicago (which explains the multiple trips). I was very careful to keep all my originals and mark on each receipt what the copies were for - you better believe I'm going to be pointing fingers back up the chain of command when my reimbursement form gets turned in.

I got home last night and can finally get on with Christmas (I did do a bunch of stuff before I left), but mostly, today I'm just glad that this trip is over and work will ease up for a while.

But regardless of all that ... Happy Birthday, Dad!!!

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