Thursday, December 15, 2005

A few items of business

Hi everybody!

I'm very happy that Christmas is so soon, even though it means I'm going to have to hustle to get a few projects done (burning DVDs, reading the Book of Mormon). But that's okay. It's worth it. Tonight Stevie is getting his first sitter and we're going to the temple for the first time since he was born (and to the Newport Beach temple for the first time ever) for a sealing assignment. I'm really looking forward to it.

I finished teaching my last class of the year yesterday, and thus ended a long string of classes that started in mid-October. Two solid months. I wasn't used to that pace, but it actually feels good to be back into the grind of teaching after many months (years?) of writing manuals.

Just a thought on the historic meetings of Tawnia, Emily, Mindy, and Clarissa (as well as others I'm sure) over the holidays. Could we get some of this on tape for the DVD? I'm seeing this time as potentially the most influential on the development of the movie, and I'd be interested to see how it all developed.

I'll be talking with each member of the family who has volunteered to work on the movie (Jared helped me out by calling me last night) and going over your role, what you've done, and what you have in mind for the future. I have a few ideas for the overall scheduling that I think will make this a very smooth and enjoyable experience, which is the whole idea.

Merry Christmas everyone and be on the lookout for the new Baby Stevie DVD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Might I recommend another MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Planning Group) sometime around the holiday break? I know several people will be on vacation, and those who aren't, well it's because we still have to work. Anyhoo, I'm sure we could find a time that we could all get on together and hash a few things out, potentially after the big director's meeting mentioned above? Just a thought.