Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Death by Chocolate

So I finally figured out that one of my mice is a boy... but I just couldn't part with him. Instead I got my boy a new cage and another boy mice to live with. I also got a second girl mouse to live with my other girl... I came out to the school and set things up Saturday night. My original boy immediately started chasing after the new boy as soon as I put them in together. I was hoping that they would learn to get along over Sunday and things would be harmonious in the mouse world by Monday morning. Instead I came in Monday morning and I had one dead boy mouse. I disposed of it before any of the kids came in, but it really disgusted me. I haven't told the kids because I really just don't want them to know. The girls are getting along well. My new little white female mouse has been named Energizer. And the boy... he's been renamed also. His name is Chocolate.


tawngap said...

P.S. Mindy was the one who thought of the title for this post.

Anonymous said...

So what did you name the dead mouse? Stiffy?