Sunday, August 13, 2006

the temp must die

The last day of getting ready for a work trip is typically pretty hectic, but this time, I was way ahead of the game (because both bosses panicked with my being gone on maternity leave, and had most things done when I got back to work). Once my shipment of all my copies was gone on Fri. the 4th, I didn't have much to do all this past week - a very easy, quiet week. Until Friday. When the housing coordinator in our main office in Denver called me to ask about the hotel reservations for some of my speakers. Their registration forms also had the housing requests, including personal credit card numbers and the temp had screwed them ALL UP!!! He had the same credit card number on 3 forms. He had forms filled in that the speaker was paying for his own hotel AND we were paying it - for the same speaker. I spent a good majority of Friday cleaning up the hotel mess, and this was after he did NOT give any of them complimentary registration (so I've been fielding phone calls for the last 3 weeks - "Why did I get a bill?" "Because we messed up, and didn't catch it until the bills had already been sent. Disregard.") So yeah. It's a good thing he was already gone because I would have smacked him a good one.

We're leaving tomorrow morning for Nashville - we'll see how things go at the airport but I'm trying to be ready by packing very specifically. We'll be back Thursday night - the conference doesn't end until the weekend, but I'm done Thursday morning so we're coming home and I'll go to the office on Friday and get started on my wrap up at the office.

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