Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bryan's Birthday

Hey Jared, Those are cool pictures of Bryan's Birthday party. Thanks for letting me see them first, since I was talking to you on the phone when you put them on the site. I have been following the mantra that Jared advised me to use while driving. I get in the car, and when someone does something stupid I clench my teeth and say, "I am a leaf on the wind! Watch me soar!" Or something to that effect.

Today Mindy and I actually started moving things closer to our new apartment. We now have a bunch of stuff in one of the garages behind our new apartment building. They are cleaning the carpets there on Monday and we should be able to move in either Monday evening or Tuesday afternoon. We are very excited about that.

I am also very excited about Nate and Manda's news! Yay!

I'm still really stressed about most things in my life, but now that I'm actually getting to move, and I should actually get to go into my classroom soon... it's helping my nerves calm a bit. I also got a very kind e-mail from the parent of a child I will have in class this next year. She said that her daughter was excited about school for the first year, because she is going to have me as her teacher. That made me feel really good and made me actually get excited about school starting. I teach because of the kids... and that really is the only reason. They make my job worth all of the stress that I go through.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well.


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