Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Senator's pool

Yesterday, a friend of Trina and Adam's who works for a Senator invited us to go swimming in the Senator's pool (which he has permission to use when she is out of town). But first we had to get Summer swim diapers, along with a bikini top and a hat. Pictures will be posted later. The house was REALLY nice, and the pool was huge and about fifteen feet deep at one end. Summer was only in the water for a few minutes, but she seemed to like it. And we swam around and played some games. It was fun.


Skippy said...

sounds like someone's tax dollars are going to good use.

Frank and Evelyn said...

Did you get pictures of the house and pool, too?

treen said...

Emily stole my thunder posting about Summer's first swim.

Well, Nathan, the Senator is personally very wealthy. Tax dollars don't go to personal residences, and even the Congressional salary (which isn't peanuts) wouldn't pay for that house.

We did not get pictures of the house and pool - why? We didn't go into the house, and there's nothing spectacular about the pool. It's just a big rectangle. But man alive, the water felt GREAT!!!