Wednesday, August 02, 2006

from Jared

I guess it has been a little while since we've given an update.  Our computer has been down for a month now (and we haven't gotten it running again yet...) so that's my excuse.

I'm still busy at work.  In addition to the regular production, I'm helping coordinate the new ESD protection for the department, and I'm reverse-engineering a test module that someone hand-built a few years ago without writing down the design specs.  So I've got plenty to do.

Since Bryan's 4th birthday is coming up, we're planning a party for him.  If anyone wants to drop by on Saturday the 12th from 2 to 4 pm, be ready for a swashbuckling good time.  Brooke will start first grade the week after that, I believe on the 16th.

Oh, and the smells question.  It would probably be bad form to bring up the strong odor of wet sheets emanating from younger siblings' bedrooms that I would complain about when I was a teenager.  I used to sniff apples at the grocery store to help Mom pick out the good ones.  I also remember the tree smells - the cedars in the yard, and the Christmas tree bonfires and campouts with the Scouts.

That's all the news I can think of right at the moment.  If anyone has any other questions, well, our phones still work!

1 comment:

treen said...

SPECIAL smells, Jared!! SPECIAL smells!!