Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I just realized what day it is and it is the day to celebrate Eric and Laurel's nuptials. I am very excited for you guys and happy that Stevie has joined the ranks of Palmerhood and is a member of your family. I hope that you guys are able to go to Hawaii next year for you 10th year anniversary. I am sorry that Eric is across the country right now, or is he back? I hope that you guys get to go eat or go do something exciting. Amanda and I went to the Eiffel Tower for our anniversary, but we don’t have to talk about that, I just like to brag. Just know that we love all you guys and that we can’t wait until we get to our nine year because that is the really special one. Oh my gosh… I will be over thirty by then. Not that being over thirty is in any way bad, it is just that I will be over thirty. Well good luck, and may your next nine years bring you more happiness and children.

Nathan and Amanda and Bean

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Bean, that's quite the name Nate.