Monday, June 26, 2006

Summer is Beautiful

We arrived here safe and sound Saturday evening and had a nice visit that night. On Sunday Summer was blessed and we took lots of pictures. I was thrilled that her dress fit her very well. We had a nice barbecue afterward at Beth's house with lots of friends and lots of food.

Last night Adam's mom wanted to see some of the monuments at night so we went for a drive to see them. The Lincoln Memorial is really beautiful from the WWII Memorial, but by the time we got to the Jefferson it was pouring rain. We made it home to where Trina and Summer were waiting and listened to the rest of the storm from the safety of the apartment. No flooding or power outages in this area.

This morning I was exhausted so I took a nap before we left to do some touring. We planned on going to the Archives but when we got there it was closed because of flooding. We went to the Smithsonian but the museums on that side were closed - power outage, so we spent the day in the Air and Space Museum. It rained off and on but we only got caught in one big downpour.

We hope we're able to continue with the activities we have planned. We're supposed to have more thunderstorms for the next few days, including the one right now.

We hope you are all well and strong.

Love ya,
Mom and Dad

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