Saturday, June 10, 2006

I am on TV!

This is the weirdest thing ever, but I am typing this on the tv in our hotel in Cologne! It is really hard to get this little keyboard thing to work, but it is free, which is better than the internet cafe. We walked for hours today. It is beautiful here and very hot. There are so many people here for the World Cup and it is cool to see them so excited! There is a lot of drinkng, though, so we headed home before it got dark, although it is after ten, and it is still fairly light out! This day was definitely a good one. It has taken me like half an hour just to type this, so I think I will go to bed. We love you all! Goodnight for us, but guten tag to you all!

the traveling Palmers


Anonymous said...

How enlightening!

Anonymous said...

Okay, now that you've actually posted, my comment doesn't make as much sense anymore. When I put it in, you had no title and no text. Just "posted by Amanda". I thought it was funny.

But cool about the Internet TV thing too. Too bad y'all are missing the best part of Germany.

Mandapanda said...

Oops! Hopefuly no one else saw my first post, which was nothing. I am glad it was enlightening for someone!