Tuesday, June 13, 2006

New Movie

I think I forgot to mention the other day that there is a new Stevie movie up. Check it out!

In other news, Tawnia is here. We went to Disneyland yesterday and I got a little sunburned, but everyone else was smart and wore hats and sunscreen.

Stevie got really excited about seeing Tigger and Pooh. He got his picture taken with Pooh and Pooh didn't want to let him go. He sure is a cute baby. You'll see. Tawnia said he's cuter in person than in pictures or on video.

Stevie also pooped through two diapers and two pairs of pants and we took him home before the fireworks. We'd met up with a few friends from our ward and had them take Tawnia home so she could watch the fireworks.

It was a very long but very fun day. Tawnia's there today with a friend of hers, and then Laurel and I are going to meet up with her in the evening. Good thing I can rest up here at work.


Frank and Evelyn said...
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Frank and Evelyn said...

Cute movie. He's getting so big. Be sure to post the Disneyland pictures. I can't wait to see all my grandbabies at the reunion.