Thursday, June 01, 2006

quick update

I added another section onto my page tonight. It's of my class at school. These were the pages that were printed out for all the kids, and given to them in their end of the year books (which is why they're all in black and white).

Ballet is hard, but we're learning lots, strengthening lots of new muscles, and finding that our bodies can do a lot of things we didn't know we could do! Even though it's tons of work, I'm really enjoying it, and our teacher says that we've got a lot of talent for only being there once a week for just four months. And we've only had three tap lessons so far and she's already pushing us, because we're learning it all so quickly.

Only two more days of school. I've been so exhausted with everything going on, that I'm really looking forward to not having to get up in the morning for a little while. I do need to find another job, but nothing yet. Should be a great summer though, with Emily and Clarissa coming out at the end of this month, and then the family reunions in July - yippee! Can't wait to see you all.

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