Thursday, June 08, 2006

Singing in Church

I just talked to Jennie (Blanchard) Kern, our ward music committee chairman, and she thinks it's great that we're volunteering to sing. The theme for that Sunday is Patriotism and Liberty. We could sing either America or America the Beautiful, which are in the hymn book and the congregation will sing the other for opening, (they're doing the National anthem for closing). If we choose something not in the hymnbook, we'd need the music right away. I feel it's best to choose something we all know and can sing a capella. That way no one is stuck at the piano.

Love ya,


Emily said...

Mom means "America the Beautiful" or "My Country Tis of Thee." (I don't care what the tune name is; the song is "My Country Tis of Thee.")

Emily said...
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Emily said...

And I think we should sing "America the Beautiful," because it has a better harmony.

Anonymous said...

"Stuck at the piano"? I, for one, have no problem being "stuck at the piano", but my problem would be that I've never played either one of these before. I could probably learn 339 though, if no one else wants to be "stuck at the piano". I think we should have a piano accomaniment to help keep us all in tune and together, since we'll have a minimum amount of practice together. If I'm not at the piano, I'm perfectly capable and willing to sing either of the two songs recommended.