Saturday, February 26, 2005


Well, now that we have more space... maybe I'll update my page a little next weekend, when I have time.

My life has been plugging along as usual. I am sick with a stuffy nose, sore throat, and earache... but I'm still functioning, so that's good.

Sports: I love to watch Hockey and basketball. I actually watched some football this last season, and it wasn't so bad. I also really enjoy watching the Olympics. My favorite would be the hockey though, live or on TV it is quite enjoyable. I don't follow any particular team, but I do like it. When it comes to playing sports, I'm not really into anything. I don't mind soccer or raquetball and I like to swim... but I detest volleyball and don't care for softball.

I need to do some homework.

P.S. Yes, Mom I need a name to do for the family temple day... and I'd just like to point out that that is the day after my birthday.

P.P.S. Mindy I like the changes on the Cookbook... I especially liked the headings "Bread and Breakfast" and "Meat and Potatoes" those were cute. Do you say p-AH-sta or p-A-sta?

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