Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the other T

There are two of us, you know.

Positive thought for the day - I'm getting quite a bit done at work the last couple of weeks since making my MASTER LIST. Now if I could just get the phone to stop ringing every 10 minutes so I could focus ...

The fears and fantasies question - I was going to answer that in my last post, but then Adam came in with all those roses, and there went that idea.

Anyway ... fears. When I was a kid, all the stories about wolves in the Little House on the Prairie books freaked me out and I've had this weird recurring nightmare clear into my adult life of being chased by wolves. It also made me really skittish to be out at night in Montana, where we had bear and cougar sightings all the time. I was also very scared of the water when I was little, and it still makes me nervous. Adam says that our kids will not be allowed near a swimming pool unless he's there - he won't let me be the lifeguard on my own. I don't have a problem with that. And then there's claustrophobia and a fear of falling to the point that I won't drive in an outside lane on a bridge unless I have to (HATE that here in DC). Those are fun things too. Heh. Boy, am I a big baby.

My big fantasy most of my life has been to be a humor columnist, a la Dave Barry. I was in journalism all the way through high school, and that was my first major in college (and my 2nd was English). I did write a humor column for my college paper at Western Oregon for about 2 years, and really enjoyed it. Since graduating from Western, my life has gone in a totally different direction that I don't know anyone anticipated. I sure didn't. So that's no longer my target, but I do still enjoy writing and editing.

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