Saturday, February 19, 2005


I got to sleep in and it's a three day weekend, those are my positive things.

Dad - At work we're going to be teaching the kids about the middle ages soon. I was wondering if I could get a copy of what the "Palmer Family Crest" looks like and an explanation of why certain things are on there.

Clarissa - I got the nickname of "Tawnga" from Annika Dickson. She was three years old and that was how she said my name. It got picked up by the rest of her family and several others. I really like it. At EFY I was given the nickname Tiajuana because of the way my name is spelled. If you actually pronounce a W it makes the "jua" in Tiajuana... though it is really a BAD pronunciation. There are not many people that continue to call me that nickname. I was also called "Mama T" for a week, but that went a long with "Papa J" one of my co-counselors. And we had decided that we all needed nicknames that week. Jeremy decided I should be Mama T, but that's not the nickname that stuck that week.... because it was the same week that I got Tiajuana, which was much more popular. It's funny how you can have a nickname for just a week or two. I'm guessing this is for the same project that Emily needs inside jokes for. Anyway, I have had a lot of other nicknames in my life, but I won't go into all of those.

For instance, the reason I sign my posts as "T" is because that is what my roommates call me a lot. Annie started it and now Amy is starting to pick up on it.

Okay, I'm going to continue studying, like I need to.


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