Thursday, February 03, 2005

Happy B-day Jed

Jared - Well, I did already send you a card and call you on the phone... But I figured I'd get in all forms of wishing you happiness for having made it around the sun 29 times.

Michelle and Jared -I am sorry to hear that Bryan is sick. He's in my prayers as I'm sure he's in everyones.

Brooke - I LOVE YOU! You're silly!
Bryan - GET BETTER!!!!!

Adam - Good job at making Trina stay home and get better. I hope she was properly grounded. Trina - Good job listening to Adam and me.

Nate - The only things I'm thinking of are the love scenes from the different Shakespeare plays... a good one is "Taming of the Shrew" and the whole conversation between the two main characters when he's trying to woo her and she's putting up quite the fight. Of course that one is much more fun for the girl.

Amanda - You should post more, how are your grad school applications? Have you heard anything back yet?

Eric - I love the sound effects on your logo
Laurel - you should post more, too. I like your art and hearing about the birds

Emily - I like that I can call you and sing my favorite song to you.
Clarissa - You should post on the family blog too... have you done that before?

Mom - I like what you've done to your website... it's very fun to look at. I especially like the pictures.
Dad - I'll mail you all your favorite tax stuff this weekend. Do you need hard copies of the Utah tax forms, or are you going to do those on-line?

Mindy - Eye nose my knee toes
Jason - You have a really cool wife. Oh and we had a guest speaker today come and tell us about Japan, and then she gave all the kids dried squid to eat. (I didn't eat it though... I had a bad experience in fourth grade when my teacher forced me to eat seaweed... yeck!)

Okay, so now that I've given all of you some attention.... know that you are all loved by some crazy psycho chick in Utah... oh, and by me too.

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