Thursday, February 17, 2005


Hey! I need everybodys nicknames and how you got them. I would really like:
Nathan: Skippy
Tawnia: Tawnga, and the ones from EFY
Adam: Why is Peaches called Peaches?
Eric and Jared: Who was Run and who was Jump and why didn't those last?
This is for a school project. Please e-mail me with any questions and please send the stories soon.

Clarissa "Clare"

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Not much of a story on Run Skip and Jump. We put together a "band" just for fun, made up the silly names as a kind of parody for Run DMC, then abandoned it and moved on to other random teenage projects. Nate decided to keep the name Skip, and all his friends thought it was cool. Michelle's comment when she first heard him called Skippy was that it sounded gay. But that's another matter entirely. Anyway, I was Run and Eric was Jump. Hope that helps with your project. What kind of project is this anyway?