Sunday, February 20, 2005

Fears and Fantasies

Hello, family.

We saw Nathan's play on Saturday, and he was great. I think he got more applause than anyone.

Concerning fears and fantasies -- I never was afraid of wolves (which is strange since I really don't like dogs) but I remember having nightmares about panthers. Lots of things scared me, like the Death Dogs in "Willow."

I was always making up stories when I was little. I liked to walk outside and dream up interesting people and places; at least, I thought they were interesting. I would sometimes draw pictures and could tell everyone what it was (even though I can't decipher them now). Of course, my stories in those days had very little in the way of plot and were usually based on a cartoon show or something I'd read. (I remember creating a combination of "Charlotte's Web" and "Little House in the Big Woods.") Most of my ideas would only last for an afternoon or two, a week at the most. I didn't come up with anything really original and lasting, with a decent conflict, until I was eleven or twelve, and that was something I came up with playing with two little dolls, a tiger, polar bear, puppy, and penguin. That was my first fantasy story. It has evolved considerably, but a few names (such as Ryan) and certain elements (like woodsmen and bandits) can still be found in my current writings. I knew I was going to be an author from the time I was five, and ten years later (I was sixteen) I started my first book. And I haven't stopped writing since.


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