Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Mom- Any new questions for us? How's work?
Dad- How's work? Any tidbits of useless information?
Trina- How's Rosemary doing? How much has she grown?
Adam- How're your girls doing? How's law school?
Summer- Do you love your new little sister?
Rosemary- Do you like life on Earth so far?
Eric- Any good youtube recommendations? Will I ever get a copy of Pure Chaos?
Laurel- Do you still take time to do art? Do I get to babysit your children one night so you and Eric can go on a date?
Stevie - How do you like having a little sister? Watched any good shows lately?
Allie- Is Stevie a good big brother? Have you learned any new things lately?
Jared - How is work? Did they move you to a new machine? (I know you said they were talking about that awhile ago.)
Michelle - How is the house cleaning going? What other exciting things are keeping you busy?
Brooke- How is second grade? What is the best book you have read? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Bryan - How is kindergarten? What is the best thing you have done at school this year? Do you like your teacher? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Emily- Have you been working on any of your own creative writing, amidst the school work? (I know easier said then done.) Who are your roommates? Do you like your roommates? What fun things have you done with your roommates lately?
Nathan- Have you written any more poems? I was reading the ones you have on your page to my roommate the other night and we quite enjoyed them.
Amanda- When are we going to get new pictures of Joshua? October is half over and there are NO pictures for all of this month!
Joshua- Have you learned anything new lately? Spit up on anyone? or anything important?
Mindy- How is your ballet class? What are the best shoes you have seen and want to buy?
Clarissa- Where do YOU think you'll go on your mission? What are you doing to prepare? Have you read "Preach My Gospel"?

And I just wanted to let you ALL know that I LOVE YOU, TODAY! (And everyday!)

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