Sunday, October 21, 2007

mixed bag

Okay, first of all, anyone who hasn't checked out the sisters' blog needs to go look at the pictures of Clarissa there with her hair straightened. You'll barely recognize her. I like it a lot. And Clarissa - have you lost weight or something? Your face looks thinner and more oval than I remember from the last time seeing you.

Mom, hold off on printing an 8x10 of Rosemary just yet. You know I'm going to do Christmas dress pictures when we get the dresses that you're making (I take it that the dresses are their Christmas gifts from you), and I'm also going to do 8x10 prints of both girls in their blessing dresses for our wall. I'll email both shots of Rosemary so you can choose which one you want. I'm glad your Christmas bag from last year is still holding up - I didn't think it would get that banged up in just 1 year. But, well, it did only cost 3 bucks so I guess we can't expect too much from it. I'll think about a Christmas list for Adam and me ... not sure about that yet. I still have to come up with a list for Adam of ideas of things to get for me.

I thought about the conversion process question, but that story would be rather lengthy to tell. It was a series of things that all happened the summer that I was 15 - I prayed about the Book of Mormon, I had a sort of lightning bolt experience at Girls Camp about Joseph Smith, I received my patriarchal blessing, and there were a couple of other things. The sum total of the answers I got was "You already know it's true."

And for Aunt Tawnia from Summer and Rosemary ...

Dear Aunt Tawnia - Yes, I love my new little sister. I try very hard to give her nice hugs and kisses, but Mom and Dad get all paranoid every time I go near her. They keep telling me that I can play with her, but when will she be big enough? At least Daddy still plays with me a lot, even if Mom is always holding Rosemary. Love, Summer.

Dear Aunt Tawnia - Earth life is all right so far. Eating is good, and I like snuggling with Mom. Daddy is a good snuggler too. Summer keeps trying to take my blanket but she's good. The jaundice is going away, so hopefully I don't have to go back to the dumb doctor anymore. Every time we go, they jab me in the heel to draw blood and wake me up. I don't like that. When are you coming to visit? Love, Rosemary.

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