Saturday, October 06, 2007

more GC impressions

Wasn't Tawnia supposed to be in the Conference Center for the afternoon session today? What was the perspective of actually being there with what happened with Elder Wirthlin?

Here, we were watching on the internet at home and were of course concerned when he started shaking. Adam said, "Where's Elder Nelson?" and within 5 seconds, there he was behind him. (And holy cow - the height difference! I met Elder Wirthlin on my mission so I knew he is short, but I never knew Elder Nelson is so TALL!) I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying anymore as much as noticing that he was trying to speak a little faster to get through it, and hoping that he would be able to finish his talk. I hope that there's some kind of announcement at tomorrow morning's session or on or something to let us know if he's all right.

2 things stood out to me in the morning session:
1. Eternal progression is a family project, and no calling in the world means a darn thing if your family is not your top priority.
2. The Lord is waiting to give you whatever blessing/answer you need, but are YOU doing what it takes to receive it, are you doing what He already told you to do to get it?

I didn't have any strong impressions either way during the afternoon session - the talks on missionary work were good, and Elder Holland really laid down the smack about the doctrine of the Godhead. Summer was a bit more restless during the afternoon session and I wasn't able to listen as closely.

P.S. Mom's prediction on when the baby comes - GONE. 2 down. Next up - Dad on Monday.

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