Monday, October 08, 2007


I absolutely loved Conference!! It was fabulous this year. I had a lot of different impressions of things to work on, that's always good. I enjoyed going to the conference center Saturday Afternoon. I was all the way against the left hand wall so I had a great side view of the 2-inch tall speakers, but that doesn't matter. It was being there. I cried through all of Wirthlin's talk. The spirit during it was awesome. But I really enjoyed all of the talks Saturday afternoon. In my head the overall theme for that session was dealing with non-members... from those who are curious about the gospel to those that are hostile. All of the talks covered some aspect of that. There were also a TON of talks in all the sessions about families. (So... do you think families are important?)

One thing that I think we should start doing comes from a comment President Hinckley made in his last talk. (At least I'm pretty sure it was him and that talk.) He said that we should use the conference talks as FHE lesson material. I think that it would be cool if we chose a conference talk to discuss on the blog each week, kind of as our FHE. I know we've done something like this before, but this one is being recommended by the prophet, so it would be cool to do it. Anyway, just a suggestion.

I'm glad to hear that Brooke and Bryan are doing so well in school. I am expecting a phone call from Trina and Adam about Rosemary soon. I'll be excited to announce the birth of another niece. Eric- thanks for the cute video of Stevie.

In other news, I had a loss in my life. My pet mouse, Ginger, who I've had for two years, died sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning. I didn't cry, but it is sad. Every time I walk into my room I would look in at her first to see what she was doing, now I just look at an empty cage. Sad.

That's the news from my place. I didn't do any homework all weekend, so now I have to make up for it and do a whole ton today!


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