Sunday, October 21, 2007

A new question

I had to answer the last question before I could put up a new one. Sorry it took me so long. I need to get some pictures scanned so I can add them. You'll see it under my question page. So, with Clarissa waiting for her mission call, I felt this was a rather appropriate question: What was your conversion to the gospel like? I know you were all raised in the church, but there had to be some time in your life when you discovered for yourself that the church is true and didn't just rely on others testimonies. Describe that process.

In other news, I know I've mentioned to some of you but not all yet that I'm having surgery on my eyelids in January. They are drooping over my eyes and blocking part of my vision and also causing my eyelashes to go into my eye and scratch the cornea. At the same time the doctor will lift my eyebrows so they don't sit right on top of my eyes and make me look really wierd. The eyebrow part is considered cometic so the insurance won't cover that. That $5,000 comes out of our pocket so I'll probably need to work another year instead of retiring at the end of this one. Oh well, it's worth it.

I know it's a bit early, but with all the travelling this year - I need to know everyone's Christmas wish list. I'm working on some projects for the grandchildren but I'm not sure I'll get all of them done. (Stevie and Allison may get those stockings next year.) So let me know what else they want just in case.

Thanks for the pictures of the kids you've posted. They are so adoable. Please send me some large ones. I need to get new 8x10s for the living room. I still don't have one up of Allison or Rosemary. I also need to get new prints for my Primary Bag. That's the bag my grandchildren sent me for Christmas last year. It's still hanging in there.

Love always,

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