Saturday, April 07, 2007

what the ...

Okay, so earlier this week, it was 80 degrees and we had a lovely afternoon walking around in shorts and flip-flops to see the cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin. Last night, it snowed. SNOW. What the heck!?!?! So I guess we'll see about getting nice outdoor pictures of Summer in her Easter dress tomorrow.

Summer had her first Easter egg hunt on Thursday with our play group. All the kids were under the age of 2 - about half of the kids are turning 2 this summer, then a jump down to Summer and 2 other babies. So obviously the eggs weren't really "hidden" - just put in the edges of shrubs and in taller tufts of grass. Summer wouldn't actually pick up the egg - she would just look at it. I had to pick it up and hand it to her, and then she'd sit there and shake it quite happily. Good thing the first couple of eggs we picked up had jelly beans in them. Or she would hit 2 of them together because that made a cool noise too. I forgot my camera but other people took pictures of Summer for me - I'll send them out in an email when I get them emailed to me. It was all very adorable.

We have stake conference tomorrow - it's supposed to be in May, but our stake president was sustained to be an Area Authority Seventy last week in General Conference. So we're getting a new stake presidency tomorrow. And then we're having Easter dinner at Beth's house. Not much else to report - it's been a tough week as far as me having a severe lack of energy and sleeping a lot, or just sitting in the rocker zoned out.

I just want to make a note that I think the cracks about Americans in Disney movies are hilarious. In the shark support group in Finding Nemo, where they commisserate with Marlin about Nemo being taken by humans who "think they own everything," one of them follows up with "Probably American!" And now I'm watching Mary Poppins and when Mr. Banks gets fired at the bank, he says that the tea in Boston Harbor was unsuitable for drinking, even for Americans. HAR!!

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

You're right. If we can't laugh at ourselves we're too uptight. It's like when I told Speedy to look at our website and gave him the name. He said he was expecting something like "The Palmers" and then he laughed and said "It fits."