Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Hooray for Joshua! I was actually watching the Joseph Smith movie at temple square when Nathan called with the news so I missed the call.

I spent the weekend up in Salt Lake City. Friday evening I hung out with some friends from my Logan days. I hadn't seen some of them in about four years. It was nice to just talk. We ate pizza, watched the movie at temple square, and then sat around talking for about two hours.

Then I went to Stephanie (McGougan) Brown's home and spent the night. We stayed up talking for another several hours. The next morning I babysat her daughter while she went to work. Elly and I watched conference together... or rather I watched while Elly played. She's three. Elly took a nap during the afternoon session. Stephanie gave me a massage and then fed me dinner. Then I came home in time to go and watch a movie with some people in my ward.

On Sunday Mindy and I stayed home and watched conference. Between sessions some people unexpectedly came over to visit. We then spent the afternoon just hanging around at home.

My memories of the Tabernacle. I can remember going there several times throughout my life when we visited Salt Lake. I always liked to go inside just to sit down and enjoy the peace. I think I have heard the Tabernacle rehearse once and I heard a portion of an organ recital... but I never attended a session of conference there.

Anyway, I need to run. Loves.

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