Tuesday, January 15, 2008

There's a new letter from Clarissa!

It's on "Clarissa's Page"...


treen said...

Did she email that, or do the post herself? Who did she send the email to, because I didn't get anything. (And yes, I have written to her twice, but the first letter wasn't sent until Friday. So she should have gotten it today.)

Anonymous said...

She sent it from clarissa@myldsmail.net to insanityinc@comcast.net and jared235@gmail.com.

I have her login to post under her name, so that I can update the letters blog.

My thoughts about email (this is for everyone, not just Trina) - sure, you can send her an email, but don't stop writing real letters. I remember getting those printed ones where everyone typed something in, and a real letter was a million times better than those. Besides, she can recieve her mail throughout the week, and only check her email on P-Day.

Eric said...

Thanks for including Clarissa's email in this message. I will send her a message ASAP.

About letters... good point, but not likely to happen every week (at least from me). I don't carry around stamps anymore, and the mechanics of mailing a letter are becoming foreign to me because I almost NEVER do it.

Plus, I don't know about your math on the "million times better." I mean, handwritten is nice, but I still have every one of those computer printouts and they're still dear to my heart. But a good point all the same.

Anonymous said...

I only kept one or two of the printouts in my scrapbook, but I still have every handwritten letter.

Not that I've written to Clarissa even once yet...