Friday, January 18, 2008

Ten things that make Mindy happy

MY FAMILY - Getting phone calls, looking at pictures, reading blogs, or most especially spending time with them! I have the best siblings, and the most adorable nieces and nephews! And the most amazing parents a person could ask for.

THE GOSPEL - Having the truth! The gospel brings hope and direction and JOY! What isn't happy about the gospel? (My scripture study topic of today is happiness and joy.)

TALKING - I've realized that I love to talk! But it definitely requires a listener.

DANCING - This is not something I ever would have put on this list before. But over the past two years I have really learned that I love to dance! Ballet and tap most especially, but that's probably because I haven't learned how to dance other styles. (Or maybe I also love learning?)

ART - Or, more specifically, creating art. There's just an incredible sense of satisfaction when I'm finished with a piece. I also love sharing my art, but I think that's because compliments make me happy.

PLAYING THE PIANO - I don't do this often enough, but it helps me relax. I also love playing the duets with Tawnia, and laughing at how many mistakes we make.

READING - I love how good books allow you to escape the world and visit another. It makes long hard days a little more bearable.

MUSIC - Playing it a little too loud and singing along in my car. Lately I've been listening to the mixed CDs that Tawnia made me for Christmas. I like them especially because I can sing along. Also, some music can be inspiring!

FLIRTING - Isn't flirting all about pretending to be happier than you are, until you ARE that happy? I need to find someone to flirt with.

BEING PRODUCTIVE - I like to check things off, and feel that I've accomplished something. I'm happier at the end of the day if I've done more than sit around. (That, and I like to make lists.)

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