Monday, January 07, 2008

Postin' on the Blog

Hi guys, just thought I'd take a few minutes to post on the famous family blog. I noticed from Nathan's post below (and from the tally on the blogger dashboard) that this blog has over 2,000 posts! That's amazing! I'm so glad we've been able to create and maintain this website. I love and all its variety. Please let me know if you would like more help with HTML. I'd love to see more stuff from Emily and Trina (and Dad!). I hope to become a more frequent poster by starting to post via cell phone soon. We'll see how that goes.

Christmas was a lot of fun. It was great to have Tawnia and Mindy around. My only regret is not taking more time to talk. But we did talk, and it was nice to be with my sisters. Stevie and Allie really liked their aunts. Stevie was asleep when we dropped off Tawnia at the airport, but he was awake when we dropped off Mindy and he started crying as we pulled awawy: "Minny! Minny!" It wasn't a fake cry either. He had tears running down his face.

What I learned in 2007
First of all, I learned that I have a great family. Laurel, Stevie, and Allie are my favorite people in the world. I love them so much. I'm so excited to watch my children grow up. Mom's long stay this summer was beyond generous, and so was Dad's letting her go for so long. It was nice to see Dad and Clarissa for Allie's blessing, Tawnia and Mindy for Christmas, and it's been nice to talk to each of you on the phone. It was nice to talk to Nathan every Thursday night back at the beginning of last year, for example. Also, I really appreciated Laurel's family this year. Her sister Rachel's family are close by, and it's great for Stevie to have cousins to play with. Also, we got to see her parents and little sister Kathleen at the blessing and at Thanksgiving in Idaho. If I didn't know it before, I know it now. I have a great family.

I also learned that my Heavenly Father loves me and will give me what I need if I ask. Earlier this year, I fasted and prayed to know what to do with work, whether to move, or what to do. I was led to the job I have now, a few days before my previous company went bankrupt. Also, General Conferences this year were gifts from above; I received messages and promptings that have steered my life in wonderful ways. Last week I took some time to pray and ponder and write goals and resolutions for the year ahead. I've been blessed with continued guidance as I've asked for it.

That's all I can think of for now. Sorry for taking so long on the pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing a few more from others as well though... from Tawnia of taking Clarissa to the MTC, from Trina of the girls at Christmas, from Mindy of... shoes...

1 comment:

Emily said...

I asked in an earlier post for help with updating my page. It does need a complete overhaul, but I don't know how to do it. I can't remember anything.

So, please, send me an e-mail or something so I can update my page. The sooner the better, because I only have about two more days before classes start.