Monday, January 14, 2008


Mom suggested in a comment that we all put up our top ten lists. I'm just curious which top ten I'm supposed to be putting on here. So I decided to put my top ten favorite ways to spend the little free time that I have now that school has started.

1. Talking on the phone. This hasn't always been a favorite and it actually depends on the person. I mostly talk to Jiffy or the princess.
2. Listening to music. My current favorite thing to listen to is the "Enchanted" soundtrack. I often really like a certain song and like to listen to it repeatedly, good thing I only do this when I'm alone or have headphones on.
3. Reading. I just finished reading the third book in the Peter and the Star Catchers series by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. Now I'm re-reading the first Leven Thumps book so that I can then read the second one that I got for Christmas.
4. Knitting. Yup, still working on Brooke's blanket. It is almost 3/4ths of the way done.
5. Attending church activities. Maybe this doesn't count as a free time activity, but I do take the time away from studying to do it... so it counts for me.
6. Hanging out with Friends. I mostly go to Roxanne and Tiffany's. We will talk, watch movies, or play games, depending on who is there and what we feel like doing.
7. Go for a walk. This is something that I haven't been able to do as much with the frigid weather we have here lately, but I do like to do this as often as possible. Sometimes it becomes combined with either talking on the phone or hanging out with friends.
8. Eating. I usually end up reading or watching a lecture while I eat a meal... but sometimes I let myself read whatever I want to during that time. (see number 3). This also includes cooking which is fun when you have time and someone to cook for.
9. Travel. I do enjoy travel, especially when I have the money and time for it. Which means I probably won't travel for awhile (do to lack of money not time)
10. Write to the family. Shouldn't we all be doing this in our free time?! This of course includes writing to Clarissa, I have already written to her twice, and posting on the blogs.

I really don't have much free time due to a VERY time intensive school semester, but these are the things I do when I have a moment.

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