Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hooray for Clarissa!

Yeah, I remember all that fun first-day MTC stuff. I'm so excited for her. So much so, that I've updated her webpage. Go check it out! I'm going to try to keep it as current as I can over the next year-and-a-half.


treen said...

Okay, so Clarissa gave Tawnia her address, and Tawnia emailed it to Jared. What is it? Why didn't one of you just put it here on this blog until Jared can get it up on her page?

Anonymous said...

It is up on her page. On the left side, near the top.

Anonymous said...

MTC Mailbox #212
FL-ORL 0128
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

treen said...

Thank you! Can you explain the countdown ticker that's counting UP? The 366 days or something? What's that one about? Or do you just need to reset it now to be 1 day, x-hours that she's been a missionary so far?

Nice look on the page - I guess we'll be hearing from Clarissa ... later since I didn't hear that we know what her P-day is.