Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Bon voyage, Clarissa!!

Well, it's the big MTC day! Good luck, Clarissa - we're all praying for you! For most of Summer's life so far, we've been praying for Uncle Joe's safety in Iraq. She doesn't know a prayer without it. Well, he got back to the US last week, so now we shift gears to praying for Aunt Clarissa on her mission and that will be how Summer and Rosemary know prayer now.

It's also the big Adam-starts-a-paying-job day for the first time in 16 months - hooray!! It's only 15 hours a week, and it's only 10 bucks an hour. But it's something. It's at the American Bar Association helping to organize a mentor program between practicing attorneys and students in the area of international law.

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