Friday, February 09, 2007

What's up with me

I didn't mean for this post to get as long as it is. Highlights: There a some personal notes to people and a link to my youtube channel which has more videos and hopefully more to come.

Well on Wednesday Amanda and I went to our first birthing class. We got to watch a video of ladies going through the labor process and then giving birth. Our the memories of Junior health. We also went over different exercises and some breathing techniques. We still have three more weeks. And the classes are each three hours long.
Yesterday I got a phone call from the director of A Few Good Men, the last Gallery play I was in, and he wanted to know if I could do a part for him again in the Foriegner (a funny play that I would love to do). I actually would have tried out for this play had I not been having a baby. Now he is asking me to be in it without trying out? The temptation is great but the play starts in April and so maybe if it paid or if he could get an understudy to do it for the entire run of the show. I just wish they were doing it at a different time of the pregnancy. Either before or after. so I have to call him back because he left a message.
I posted a couple of videos yesterday. I then I posted a couple more. Check them out. They are teasers of what's to come. Here is the link I hope that you enjoy them. Share them with your friends. They might not like them as much though. You guys are family and have to like them.
The job search continues. I didn't want to go back to Capitol Honda and wash cars, though I could have, so I turned that job down. Sorry mom, I know you wanted me closer. As soon as Clarissa moves out we'll move in so you guys won't be lonely. No we won't. I have another offer doing manual labor for a guy in our church which doesn't sound too exciting but I might do that until I find something else. He owns a tile business.
So on to you guys. Adam, I am sorry that you have been sick and that you had to go to the emergency room. I have done that twice in the last year and had the IV stuck in me. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to stay there. Especially once the stuff is running through your veins and they put those heated blankets on you. Comfy. Then they kick you out because someone else needs the room. Lame. Anyway, I hope you get better soon. That Europe adventure sounds great Trina. I guess my question is how many kids do you plan on having and taking with you and how young will the youngest be? As if you know. But depending on how long you plan on being gone I would suggest getting a decent place to stay intermittently so that way you could be comfprtable sometimes and have a definate place to stay sometimes. But that might hold you back too much. Just a thought.
Clarissa, good luck with the move. I hope that you have room for everything that you want to take. I hope that you get everything out of this experience that you are hoping to get. don't come back to live with Mom and Dad ever. Even if you have to live on the street. Just kidding.
Mindy and Tawnia, I loved the tap dancing video. Wish Miss Provo good luck from Mr. and Mrs. skipdipdawg. I hope you guys continue the dancing stuff. And I know it doesn't mean a lot coming from your brother but you ladies are both beautiful and I could tell the difference between the two of you.
Brooke, I hope that you sold the most out of state cookies. I can't wait to get our order and eat them all in one night. Except then I would get sick. So I won't do that. Besides, Amanda is here and pregnant so she'll eat at least half of them. How is Bryan doing? He got staples in his head right? Do doctors just use staple removers to get those out? Again Jared, I am sorry for that email. I really thought you hadn't gotten the first one. Michelle, I hope that your football team won the superbowl, but i don't remember who you were cheering for nor who won. I didn't watch this year. Amanda and I went bird watching.
Eric and Laurel, one of my favorite lines was "Sorry, baby. Sometimes I just respond to yelling." I thought that was pretty good.
Emily, be careful in the snow and ice. Walk slowly and with people so that if you slip and fall you can pull someone down with you. I'll send you a video of what happens when people don't know how to drive on ice. In reality no one should have been driving on this ice.

Again, sorry for the long post. Maybe you guys should have read it in installments such as bed time stories to your kids. If there are spelling errors I am sorry some of the time I wasn't looking and it's not like I am going to read through this thing looking for them.


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