Thursday, February 22, 2007

empty nesters

Well, Mom and Dad? How does it feel to have the house ALL to yourselves after 34 1/2 years? Are you bored without us there yet? Or are you finally able to focus on some of your own projects instead of worrying about all of ours?

We've been sick around here for about 3 weeks now - Adam and I are taking turns. Adam had the flu, and now I have a really bad head cold. Thankfully, Summer has gotten neither. Hopefully things will clear out now that the weather is getting warmer.

We've had a weird winter. December was so warm - we didn't even wear coats, just sweaters. A couple of days before Christmas, it was about 70 degrees. Then in January, the temperature plummeted down to the 20s in just a couple of days, and stayed there (and the wind chill dropped it into the single digits). It snowed a bunch of times, and we had a huge ice storm last week. This past weekend, the temperature took another jump back up to about 50 degrees and it's supposed to stay there for at least the 10-day forecast. More mild weather would be nice.

We had Tawnia here for a couple of days before her work conference downtown (and now she's at her really nice hotel). We didn't do much because of my being sick, but did go to the zoo and had a nice visit. Summer figured out how to clap her hands while Tawnia was here - it's very cute. Tawnia took lots of pictures, which she's going to have to email to me when she gets home and downloads.

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