Thursday, February 22, 2007

Texas report

Here are all the latest updates from the southern branch of Insanity Inc. Let's start with Bryan - He's perfectly fine after cracking his head a couple weeks ago, and we've signed him up for t-ball. They're supposed to call us back when they're ready to start forming the teams. Today we found that both Bryan and Brooke have head lice. So she's home from school today, and we're going through the shampoo treatments. Brooke is doing really well is school and girl scouts. Her troop went to the science museum last weekend. Oh, by the way, the we'll get the girl scout cookies this week.

I'm taking this week off frrom work. Actually, I did go to work Monday, but only for a field trip. I went with a few others out to Cameron TX - about a three hour drive - to tour the oil rig there. The rest of the week I'm taking vacation days just because I was getting close to the max and wouldn't be able to accumulate any more. I'm using this time to get all the stuff done that I never have time to do, like renewing my drivers license, maintenance on the moped, cleaning out the back of my closet, and stuff like that. Michelle's niece is having her birthday party on Saturday in Killeen (which is close to Cameron) so we're planning to make it a sightseeing trip as well, probably to Brenham. Michelle has a cold this week, and I think I've got just a touch of it too.

I'm the one that's been updating the games, Mom. I tried to post a comment about it a couple days ago, but blogger was being stupid. Anyway, you're welcome. I've just been adding one or two once every couple of days.

I think that's all from us. We're always happy to hear from everyone, so call us, email us, and whatever.

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