Friday, February 23, 2007

Welcome Back

I'm glad we're up and running again. I think it's time for a new question. For the married folk: "What was your wedding day like?" It will be interesting to hear it from your point of view. As your mom I have my own memories of your weddings but I'm sure you saw some things a bit differently. For the singles: "What do you want your wedding day to be like?"

Brooke and Bryan, sorry about the head lice. I remember the first time we discovered it here at home, it was your daddy who had it the worst - and it was just after a den meeting that I discovered it so I had to call all the cub scout parents and let them know.

Stevie, I wish we could be there for your "half-birthday" please have daddy post some pictures or a movie of it.

Summer, thank you for the beautiful valentine. It came today and I'll keep it always. I can tell from the size of your hand print that you're growing bigger each day. You should ask Mommy and Daddy to put some movies of you online. We'd all love to see them.

Love to you all,
Mom (Grandma)

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Hey Jared,

We could use some movies of Brooke and Bryan, too. Have them sing a song or do a dance or even play T-ball.