Sunday, February 25, 2007


Good job Mom on finding my new picture without me saying anything about it. I'll say something about it now though, because I changed it. For those of you who didn't see the original, that's okay, because it's better now.

Thank you Eric for the wonderful Stevie movies! He's so cute! With Trina and Adam's permission, Tawnia and I can upload some movies of Summer that Tawnia took while in DC. She's home safe and sound, currently sleeping on her giant beanbag.

As for what I want my wedding day to be like - completely different from the first one. Married in the temple, pictures afterwords, and then ... a party. Afterwords, we'll FLY for a honeymoon somewhere (I'm actually going to have one this time), hopefully Europe or Hawaii, or somewhere on my list of places to go. It'll be a million times better than the first wedding day, because this time he'll have his family there too, and EVERYONE will be honestly happy for us, because we'll have an eternal marriage, and not just a wedding.

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